What better way to celebrate Halloween than with a fun filled night of fellowship and camaraderie amongst the MC Law student body. On Friday, October 21, LSBA hosted the annual halloween party where we saw the student body’s creativity shine through as they participated in the dynamic duo theme for the night. We also saw the crowning of Mr. & Miss MC Law for the 2022-2023 school year.
Gabi Putnam-Lang, the event coordinator, described the event as “a refreshing return to the pre-covid Halloween soirée. The only masks in sight were those used to complete a spooky ensemble.”
Mrs. Putnam-Lang and her friends dressed up as Pageant Queens donning law-inspired sashes that read: “Miss Conduct”, “Miss Justice”,“Miss Trial”, “Miss Appropriation”, and “Miss Demeanor”— with their duos being the “Criminally Negli-GENTS.”
Along with the vast number of costumes seen that night, was the duo of Addison Walsh and Rachel Eaves who paid tribute to our beloved Dean Emeritus, Jim Rosenblatt and his iconic duo– Facebook. We give them a big thumbs up!
Law school is a stressful time with countless hours spent studying and briefing cases, but 3L Allie Burroughs, like many of us, appreciates when we get the chance to spend time for ourselves and enjoy the company of our friends and classmates. Burroughs stated that “the MC Law Halloween Party was so much fun! I loved getting to see everyone’s creativity and especially loved getting to pull off John & Yoko! Props to Gabi Putnam for putting together such an awesome event!!!” Burroughs and her duo dressed as John and Yoko. They truly captured this iconic duo and received many compliments on their creativity and accuracy.
In addition to celebrating halloween, the event also served as a venue to crown our newest Mr. and Miss MC Law. After a school-wide vote, RJ Lewis took home the title of Mr. MC Law. When asked how he felt about receiving this honor, Lewis said, “I'm thrilled to have been voted Mr. MC Law! I'd like to give a huge thank you to all of my classmates who voted for me! I'm happy that so many people believe that I embody the characteristics of MC Law.”
Miss MC Law, Peyton Pope, reiterated this when she said she was “humbled and honored to be voted Miss MC Law, thank you to everyone who voted!”
Congratulations to these two 3Ls who were voted by their classmates and peers and truly embody the visions of MC Law!
MC Law may have celebrated Halloween this past Friday, but there is still more to come! Be sure to check out the “Trunk or Treat” event to be held at the law school on Halloween.