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Raising the Bar in Mississippi

Students, faculty, and staff react to MC Law's most recent bar exam results.

Although it is not said, we all know there is quiet competition within law school halls. Just as there is competition within schools, there is competition between schools, too. There are only two law schools in the state of Mississippi, so who better to compare yourself to than against the other? The only metric that matters is the bar pass result. Admittedly, the other law school has beaten MC Law’s pass rate in years past, but since 2019, first-time bar pass rates have tied 2-2 between the two schools until now.

Mississippi College School of Law not only outperformed the other Mississippi Law School in overall passing percentage but in every category: First Timers and Retakes. MC Law had an overall Mississippi bar pass rate of 76.7% compared to the other at 67.3%. As it pertains to first-time takers, MC Law had a pass rate of 80% compared to the school in Oxford at 76.2%. Finally, for retakes, MC Law had a 61.5% pass rate compared to that school in Northern Mississippi at 30%.

Tyler Carmack, a former MC Law student who recently transferred to The University of Mississippi School of Law, stated, “In the state of Mississippi, there are only two law schools. Waiting for the bar passage results to be released for many is like waiting for the Powerball numbers to be dropped- we all wait on edge and want to know, who has the bragging rights for the year as the best law school?”

Carmack continued on with, "This year MC Law outperformed us and many of our students were disappointed. This was not the result many of us expected. The atmosphere around the school has changed and it has become more competitive. In law school, students always compete for class ranks and bragging rights in the halls. Now we are focused on bragging rights in the state. Many of us have close friends that go to the other law school and we talk back and forth and for the upcoming bar, we want to have the bragging rights back."

Carmack alludes to the competitive nature that law school brings, which in turn lends itself to a natural competition between the two schools. Carmack refers to having close friends at each school, bringing the competitive edge to a more friendly level, which it should be. As students graduate and take the bar, upon passing, they will all be one "family." Camack concluded his interview with, "I am proud of my MC Law family and their success in recent years. Having two tremendous law schools in Mississippi is a wonderful benefit to the state and the profession as a whole."

With MC Law's continued bar pass rate success, Dean John Anderson commented, "I couldn't be more proud of our July 2023 bar takers. They studied hard, and they deserve this success." This is a true testament to our most recent test takers and their hard work. He continued with, "I am also grateful to our Legal Analysis and Communication team (and the other faculty who supported their efforts) for all the work they did to help prepare our graduates."

Recently named Associate Dean Mary Purvis, who is also MC Law's Director of Legal Analysis and Communication team, shared a few thoughts on MC Law's recent bar success. "MC Law graduates preparing for the July 2023 Bar Exam engaged in the work and trusted the process." Dean Purvis gave a blueprint to those next in line to take the bar, "We had unprecedented participation in our weekly bar support meetings, simulated exam opportunities, and individual progress evaluations. I am so proud of these students and their commitment to success."

Professor Frank Rosenblatt shared a few words regarding the most recent graduate class. He said, "It is not just impressive bar results. MC Law's class of 2023 also has a strong record with securing legal employment, including prestigious clerkships." Rosenblatt continued on with, "I think the school's proximity to the state's main courts, law firms, and government agencies helps our students see and experience good lawyering in a way that usefully complements their classroom studies."

Dean Anderson made a point to motivate the next wave of bar takers by stating, "While we are all pleased with these results, MC Law will not rest. We will continue to innovate and develop our programs and curriculum to put our students in the best possible position to pass the bar and succeed in practice."

It is a true testament to MC Law and its commitment to excellence. While these July bar results are preliminary and results may change due to appeals in process, MC Law reigns on top of the other Mississippi Law School at the moment.

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