Last Wednesday, the Law School Admissions Council announced a change to the Law School Admissions Test. Beginning with the August 2024 exam, the LSAT will no longer have an Analytical Reasoning, commonly known as the “logic games,” section. The new version of the LSAT will consist of two scored Logical Reasoning sections, one scored Reading Comprehension section, and one unscored section of either the Logical Reasoning or Reading Comprehension.
So why the change? In 2019, two blind individuals reached a settlement agreement with LSAC after claiming that the test put blind test takers at a disadvantage because they could not draw diagrams to answer the questions. LSAC wanted to ensure the integrity of the test remained the same and tested the same skills while still accommodating those with concerns.
“Replacing the current logic games with a second LR section will ensure that the LSAT continues to assess the reasoning skills that are so important to the study and practice of law, while eliminating the concerns that were raised about the use of diagramming.” After research over multiple years, LSAC found that replacing a logic games section with a second logical reasoning section had almost no impact on the scoring:
The research has also confirmed that the new LSAT will have the same effectiveness in predicting first-year law school performance.
This decision has sparked a range of emotions from prospective law school students, current law school students, professors, and lawyers. While some are relieved to see the logic games go, others are disappointed. Those sad to see the games section dropped shared a common opinion: the logic games section was the only “fun” part of the test. Others felt like this was a long time coming. You can find the official announcement from LSAC here.
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, say goodbye to the logic games section!